Ketan Chandaria

Support My Campaign
Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Hello, Namaskar, Jambo :-)

I'm eagerly preparing to run the half-marathon in Mumbai to kick off what should be a memorable journey visiting some of the places my parents so fondly called home once upon a time. What better way to begin than to raise some funds while indulging my senses in Mumbai's amazing scenery?! Arpan is an amazing charity aiming to create a positive impact in the society by addressing and preventing Child Sexual Abuse through a unique school-based Personal Safety Education model.

My appeal to you is to give whatever you can - it'll go a long way in helping this charity fulfil it's objectives. In addition, I promise to train diligently and gather lots of evidence of me toiling in Mumbai heat during the run for your amusement! That's worth a few quid / shillings or rupees right?!

Thanks - Shukriya - Asante in advance!


My Fundraising Goal
` 0 of ` 75000

About Me
It might come as a huge surprise to a lot of you that I was actually born in India. The heavy Kenyan accent, constantly yapping about Kenya and interest in running are definitely typical Kenyan traits. It feels like the right time to explore and visit this place I used to call home which I have no recollection of - starting with Mumbai and then travelling to Gujarat. Arpan is a charity I got introduced to as I was considering this race. It's an important charity (as are all) and their cause and aims are vital for the society. NO CHILD should be exposed to the horrors of sexual abuse.
Photos / Videos
My Fundraising Goal
` 0 of ` 75000

Raising Money For
Arpan is India’s largest nonprofit working to address the issue of Child Sexual Abuse with a vision of a ‘World Free from Child Sexual Abuse.’ Arpan has served 30, 00,000 children and adults in the last 17 years. Arpan aims to create a positive impact on society by addressing and preventing Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). We firmly believe that every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment, free from exploitation. Arpan is the first in the world to build an innovative, evidence-based, unique school-based Personal Safety Education model that combines prevention and healing efforts, and is the first in India to build age-appropriate comprehensive pedagogy for children and training content for adults. Our organization works tirelessly to raise awareness about this critical issue, provide counseling and support to survivors, and conduct extensive training programs for professionals and caregivers.
0 Supporters
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here