Joseph Thomas KV

TMM 2020

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Hey there! You know how they say, "Life is filled with ups and downs". But what if I told you there’s a good part of our society which never reaches that “up” just because they are born in a less privileged community, and this deprives them of their very basic rights. The “good part of society” which I’m talking about here, are the girls from marginalized communities who are the backbone of this same community. These girls have the capability to uplift these communities to their greatest highs but are held back due to severe financial crisis in their family. And sometimes, even her own small-minded community-men bar her from completing her education. Seeing the hardships that these girls face just so they could finish their education has driven me to pledge on doing what I can for them. It’s not too much effort for people like you and me. A small initiative by us could pave her way, help her a live dignified life. So it’s up to us to muster the courage and conviction to act in solidarity, to ensure the right of every girl child to be educated, and to create a better environment for them and let them stand tall, get opportunities just like all of us. Join with me in my run to believe that before being Men, we are Human and thereby, enable these amazing lights find their right place in the society. This is possible only if you and me work on it together and you know it is possible! After all, even a star is just a rock that never gave up on it’s dream to rise.
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About Me
Hi, I’m Joseph Thomas (@Jojotoish)- Engineer by Profession and singer by Passion. My passion for singing comes from deep within my soul, mind and heart. Ever since I’ve started to understand the world, I’ve noticed a certain imbalance; between societies, genders, races, countries. This has, at every stage of life, made me realise how blessed I am to have had a fair chance in life. Growing up, I’ve performed in orphanages and public places which has led me to believe that music is a healer like none other-The unspoken language of love- a scarcity in this world. I aim to spread this language in all ways possible which led me to perform(busking) on the streets of Mumbai and work with NGO Sparsha in a Campaign for Girl Child Education.
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