Leesha Shah

TMM 2019

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Hi friends, As most of us have had a privileged upbringing, we know the importance of education in starting a career as well as achieving your dreams. In India with 10.27 crore children out of school, of which 7.39 crore are rural children, it is our responsibility as citizens of India to ensure that every child gets a proper education so that they can grow up to achieve their dreams and even become the future leaders of India. Just by thinking we can’t help the children. If we truly want to help, then we should take actions that will really impact the lives of the children. By running the marathon through light of life trust organization, I hope to make a difference in at least the life of 1 child and you could do the same. Light of Life Trust works for the education of the underprivileged children from rural India. They support these children to complete secondary education. This ensures that they do not become child labourers and gets them out of the vicious poverty cycle they are trapped in. So guys lets put on our running shoes and lets empower our generation by running for a cause. By us running, we can help these children learn.
My Fundraising Goal

About Me
Since a kid, I have always wanted make a difference in the world in any possible way I can. Right from helping the planet by distributing solar lamps in remote villages that didn’t have access to electricity to helping underprivileged kids with their education after school or in my spare time , I try to do my bit. As we grow old, many of us get so busy in our own lives that we often forget to look and reach out, therefore at the age of 22, with the help of light of Life Trust , my small action will help in reaching out and impacting the lives of those who need a hand. I truly believe that every person has the power to make a difference and every person should try at least.
My Fundraising Goal
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