FedEx Cares, 2020

UWM partnered with FedEx under the FedEx Cares initiative, through which 500 Safeguard Against Vulnerability kits were distributed to families across eight different locations of the company's operations. The kit, which is composed of a non-electric water purifier, solar lamp and a family health and safety kit, will work towards offsetting vulnerability against community health hazards. The distributions were conducted through employee engagement activities where FedEx employee volunteers interacted with the families; shared the importance of these household essentials, and demonstrated the correct way to utilize the kits in emergency situations. Through the nine distribution events, the 255 FedEx employee volunteers helped us in reaching out to more than 3000 individuals.

Under the same initiative, 119 employees from Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata and Hyderabad volunteered to install 5 butterfly gardens, equipped with 100 saplings each of a variety of flowering plants that attract butterfly populations. The gardens were installed in schools to promote learning about the environment and different ecosystems, and to provide a safe haven for butterflies.

United Way Mumbai also helped to organised 3 blood donation drives in partnership with Think Foundation across multiple FedEx offices as part of the FedEx Cares initiative. 100 volunteers donated blood, which will help in impacting 300 lives.



Corporate Partner:
FedEx Express

NGO Partner:
Ashadeep Association
Sakaar Outreach
Real Charitable Trust
Tiljala SHED
Hope For The Children Foundation
Ashray Akruti
Parinaam Foundation
Cultural Academy For Peace
Ladybird Environmental Consulting
Office Address:
United Way Mumbai,
6th Floor, Mumbai Educational Trust,
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (West),
Mumbai 400 050
Tel: +91 22 69523100

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