Zahra Rajwani

TMM 2019

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Touching Lives has been an integral part of my life. I joined Touching lives when I finished my university education as a mentor where I learned what importance education holds in a person's life. Thanks to Touching Lives, it has taught me that education is not limited to books but is an endless seeking. Through this campaign, I wish for you to support the values and the path of Touching Lives which is to provide Education, Empowerment, Enlightenment and 'Edu'tainment to each and every child however possible. If you wish to know more about Touching lives please visit :
My Fundraising Goal

About Me
I joined Touching Lives in 2014 and the one thing that has been with me is its vision of 'Independent L'(e)arner'. This place has help to start a journey towards making a key contribution for the children and let me evolve by being me and teaching me endless Life Values.The souls of Touching Lives are its Children itself who drive me to pursue much better than what I deserve. Therefore, I wish you to join me to encourage the value and importance of education by supporting this campaign! Thank you.
My Fundraising Goal
Raising Money For
0 Supporters
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here