Shriya Pritam Gajmal


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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

I have chosen to support PRIDE India's SPARSH Rural Hospital that provides quality health services to rural poor living in interior villages. The hospital also conducts the Musculoskeletal Deformity Correction Camp. Skeletal deformities are due to cerebral palsy, nutritional deficiencies or congenital birth defects, very common in our country which was realized during the camps. Hence, it was decided to broaden the spectrum of the camp and made it a musculoskeletal deformity correction camp rather than just Polio corrective camps. Today more than 1000 children have benefitted through successful surgeries performed and treatments through 12 camps since 2011. Support me in this campaign so that together we can brighten the lives of many more children in need.
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About Me
I am Shriya Pritam Galmal studying in the 8th standard and I am happy to support the physically challegened children so that even they can get a chance to walk in life.
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