Yuvvraaj Goel

TMM 2020

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

At this moment, I am reaching out to you on behalf of all young girls in Mumbai who are literally fighting for their identity and survival every single day and are in dire need of your help. It is ironic that Mumbai, the ‘City of Dreams’, cradles few, but is the graveyard of many more. When faced with financial difficulties in their home towns, people from all over the country flock to Mumbai, a city of lights and dreams. This is fragmentation of the truth. When they step into the city with a pocketful of coins, these people are more often than not, hit hard by perpetually sky-rocketing prices, that instantly eat into their meagre savings. In these circumstances, education is their last priority. Even if some families do look at education, it is purely for the mid-day meals, one less mouth to feed. Education is never really regarded as the way out of poverty, as they themselves are uneducated. This is the vicious cycle that has engulfed this nation, and if we can so much as start at one city, one organization, one child, we will have transformed generations to come. By granting a girl child education, you have taught her more than fighting for her survival, you have taught her to thrive. This girl who knew nothing more than darkness, will carry the mission forward, and show her children, light.
My Fundraising Goal

About Me
People often ask us, ‘why girl child education only?’, and to this, I would like to answer that ever since I saw my grandparents teaching a petite, underconfident girl in ragged clothes, – their domestic help’s daughter – something struck me. I was a seven-year-old boy, who did not in his wildest dreams imagine that children could possibly not have a school to go to. I sincerely hope that just as girl child education has struck a strong chord with me, it does with you too, dear reader. Personally, I think that forfeiting a dinner at an expensive restaurant for the education of a child for an entire year, is the least we do to give their life a purpose.
My Fundraising Goal
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