While government initiatives such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Right to Education Act have improved access to education, learning outcomes in schools continue to be sub par. Public and low income schools grapple with challenges of poor infrastructure, teacher training and ineffective teaching methodologies. Less than 14% of the population under the age of 6 is enrolled in Pre Primary education and only 64% of children enrolled in Primary school eventually make it to Secondary school.
Improving learning outcomes requires comprehensive, integrated and long term intervention. We partner with government and low income schools and conduct a thorough need assessment to determine areas of priority. Some of the interventions we recommend are:
With an aim to create a stimulating, safe and child friendly learning environment, school infrastructure is upgraded and beautified with designs based on BaLA (Building as Learning Aid).
The school's Balwadis are refurbished and equipped with developmentally appropriate learning aids, along with teacher training and new pedagogy.
Children learning below grade level are enrolled in focused classes for remedial education, particularly in subjects like English and Maths.
Using reading as a tool for learning, libraries are set up in the school. The children are also given book sets for individual reading and book reading sessions are conducted by professional storytellers.
Recognising STEM skills as critical to jobs of the future, we train teachers, set up mini science centres and digital learning platforms. Children are taken on exposure visits and participate in learning enrichment activities.
Children are helped make informed career choices through a structured counselling programme. This includes psychometric tests along with individualised guidance and group sessions on goal setting, motivation and career paths.