My name is Sailesh Kumar Sankaran, residing in Vashi, Navi Mumbai. By profession an Insurance agent.
Else, a full time Volunteer with Isha Foundation. Please help me in my initiative to see a educated India. There are different specific amounts you can donate for the following purposes:
1. Full education Support Rs. 33,000/- per year for one kid
2. Scolarship Rs.19,000/-
3. Noon-meal Rs. 5000/-
4. Transport Rs. 7750/-
You can choose any of the above or donate whatever you wish to as no amount is less.
Isha Vidhya is Isha Foundation's effort to educate the rural underprivileged children. There are about 8500 students studying in these 10 schools. Mumbai Marathon was a major source for funding this. This year, as Covid 19 has affected so many activities, funding these schools might face a serious setback.
I have been involved with Isha over many years. I wish to support this initiative in whatever way I can. If you would like to join me, do visit my page
Any amount is welcome, as every contribution will go a long way in helping the children continue their education. Pranams