Ahmad, 44 years old, is a daily wage labourer at the Kurla
scrap market in Mumbai. Ahmad is a native of West Bengal, but he migrated
permanently with his wife and 3 daughters to Mumbai. Ahmad earns a meagre INR
200, a day.
His relatively thin body structure and physically
demanding work convinced him that he was at no risk of developing diabetes. He
was wrong. His blood sugar level was 440 mg/dl, when the normal range of
glucose in blood is 70-140 mg/dl.
Initially, Ahmad was in denial, but further tests at the
Rajawadi public hospital confirmed that he was Diabetic. As a family man, he was
scared and worried about his and his family's future.
Gradually, he accepted that he was Diabetic and was
provided with details about his condition. He came to understand the causes,
symptoms and preventive measures that he needed to take. Today, Ahmad's diet is
well planned and based on what he can afford. He is motivated to exercise in a
relaxed state of mind. Ahmad's daughter reads out the Diabetes education pamphlet
for him and his wife reminds him to take his medication daily.
This is the case of Ahmad's battle with Diabetes & there are
many such Ahmads working in the unorganized sector in Mumbai, who are sure that they cannot develop Diabetes and are unaware of their condition.
United Way Mumbai tests and tracks workers from the unorganized sectors. The "at risk - individuals are referred for confirmatory tests and further home visit sessions are organized
for them and their families. Home visits ensure provision of customized
life-style modification messages.