Project Poshan Update - February 2023

Supplementary nutritious foods were distributed (post parental consent) to all 3700 identified malnourished children aged 6 months to 6 years (those with SAM, MAM, SUW, MUW, some borderline malnourished). Micronutrient fortified ladoo pre-mixes (soya, jowar) and savoury bajra mix (selected after careful sensory evaluation and local relevance) were given. Air tight jars were also provided for safe storage of the food. All foods provided are in compliance with food safety guidelines issued by relevant government authorities. Safe food handling training was also conducted for the parents and caregivers of all the beneficiaries (malnourished children) that were being provided supplementary nutritious foods. The training included topics such as how to prepare the ready-to-cook supplementary meals for malnourished children, with dosage plans of the meal and safe handling, storage and hygiene practices.