Project Poshan Update - January 2023

Poshan team mobilised the parents of malnourished children for a medical camp for screening of SAM children. 9 children with SAM were admitted to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre for treatment. The UWM Poshan team extensively counselled the family members of children with SAM to admit them to the NRC in the sub-district hospital, Karjat. We mobilised the members from the gram panchayat including the sarpanch, community members, MPW, ANM, anganwadi worker, etc. to ensure urgent medical care is provided to SAM children. Post admission, nutrition counselling and healthy kit provision were conducted. Some activities conducted include help in transport and stay in the NRC, psychosocial support in the form of counselling to the family, games conducted with children to enable a positive environment for speedy recovery, capacity-building of caregivers in appropriate feeding practices, conducting diet recalls to assess dietary patterns and do needs-based counselling, anthropometric assessment, home-based follow-ups post discharge and provision of special food kits upon discharge. The life-saving admissions of SAM children in the NRC were covered in 4 news articles.