PMAM IT Services Pvt Ltd.

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Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Come Forward and support Education of less fortunate children with Umang Foundation, I am keeping a target to provide education material to 333 less fortunate children. Background of identified children Typically, the identified students belong to a family of daily wagers or home-maid who resides in slums. Although these children are enrolled in school(s) but due to lack of the requisite education material like basic stationery these children are compelled to manage their entire academic year with as little as one or two notebooks for all their subjects for the entire year!! Team Umang has witnessed instances of these children discontinuing / dropping our going to the school due to scarcity of means to buy new notebooks. Impact of Umang Foundation's approach Umang Foundation has been successful in bringing down the number of drop outs which were witnessed due to non-availability of resources post its initiative Promote Education – ‘ek kadam ujjwal bhavishya ki aur’. This has encouraged donors and resulted in the continued progressive distribution trend of Umang Foundation. Education to every child is very important to ensure today a better tomorrow of our country. In most of the cases children drops out from school because their family could not support them financially and could not afford education material and other resources for them. Help the Team to provide education material to every child in need.
My Fundraising Goal

About Me
As an organization PMAM IT Services Pvt Ltd is support Umang Foundation for its "PROMOTE EDUCATION" project to provide stationery kits to less fortunate slum students to continue their studies. This support will ensure we can reach out to every needy students under this project. Help us to strengthen the hands of Umang Foundation to ensure the continued support to all the needy students in the state of Maharashtra.
My Fundraising Goal
Raising Money For
0 Supporters
* Supporter count includes those chosen to remain anonymous and not listed here